
In addition to rest, God has given us so many promises for peace. Peace seems to be an undervalued gift for many Christians, possibly because the word has become a bit cliche or even somehow outdated, so it doesn’t hold much weight. When I think peace, I think of a deep, down-to-the-soul quietness, in the midst of non-quietness. I imagine someone standing in the middle of a bustling nonstop city, loud and chaotic, but he or she stands there with a calm spirit and closed eyes.

Not to be cheesy, but here is the googled definition of peace:



I like the use of the word freedom in the definition. I don’t think we always think of peace like that, but it is a freedom from or within a situation that would otherwise enslave us to fear, chaos, worry, anxiety, and/or turmoil.

One of my favorite go-to verses, which you are surely familiar with by now, speaks of God giving us a peace “which surpasses understanding” — the perfect peace in a time when others would look and say, “Peace is impossible in that situation.” The Bible says we gain this much sought-after peace by choosing not to be anxious, but instead tell the Father our concerns. 

Today I would like to share this and some other verses about peace. I invite you to meditate on them and claim them in this otherwise peace-less situation. Please feel free to add some — there are many more! 










7 thoughts on “Peace

  1. Reblogged this on The Chronicles of the Unfruitfulness and commented:
    So true. I have found a peace I have never felt before in regards to our infertility journey when I finally gave it all up to God.

    What ever your beliefs are- God, Buddha, universe, energy, or whatever- I suggest finding something and gather strength from it. Let it go. Let it up. Have trust and faith that God knows your story better than you. Have trust and faith that peace will find you in a great way.


  2. connieann

    What a beautiful blog. I absolutely love this. My particular form on infertility is not treatable, so you can imagine how happy I am to find another infertility blog that doesn’t talk about medical advice, and focuses on peace. God is doing wonderful things through you, and I hope you will continue following this beautiful path he’s set for you. God bless, Connie. 🙂


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